DSC Site Guide

With great power comes great responsibility.

In Derbyshire we do not have the right of access to land. All our sites have been hard won, money paid for access, relationships forged and ongoing problems solved. Please treat our sites with respect. Join the club or pay for temporary membership, be respectful to landowners and the public. Use the information in this guide to ensure that these sites are available for those that come after you.
Thank you.
The DSC Committee

For site records, click here.  For a list showing which Ordnance Survey maps cover our sites, click here.

Site Status Alt (ft) Wind
Broadlee Bank Open SE
Cats Tor Open W – NW
Cocking Tor Very sensitive! NE
Curbar Open WSW-SW
Dale Head Open – Lambing Restrictions NE-ESE
Eyam Edge Open S-SW (SSW is best)
Lords Seat Open N (NW-NE)
Mam Tor East Face Open – Lambing Restrictions E (NE-SE)
Mam Tor NW Face Open – Lambing Restrictions NW
Stanage Sensitive SW
Totley Moor Open NNW-E
Treak Cliff & Long Cliff Closed – Lambing Restrictions NNE-ENE
Bradwell Not a DSC site WNW (WSW-NW)