Mam Tor NW

Status Open – Lambing Restrictions
Status Message
There has been a mid-air reported at this site early in the year for each of the last three years. If this continues then it is inevitable that eventually a fatality will result.
In conditions where there is limited amounts of lift and there are already 6 pilots in the air pilots should consider this ridge to be at capacity and avoid launching to reduce the chance of a mid air collision. Should conditions improve and more lift becomes available pilots who chose to launch should bear in mind that the lift on this ridge is often cyclic and can switch off quickly. As such they should be prepared to fly out of lift and land to ensure the safety of all pilots using the site.
Bottom Landing Field Closed due to Lambing Restrictions 1st March – 30th April
Wind NW (may be flown from WNW to NNW)
Take Off SK 127 836 1640ft / 500m
Landing SK 129 853 790ft / 240m
Paragliders usually land at Mam Nick, SK 124 834 / 463m. It is not suitable for hang-gliders
Airspace Daventry CTA at 4500′, Airway Amber 2 at FL65 to the East
Hospital Northern General, Sheffield
Site Code 8.002
Location Edale Valley


This is a very popular site which may attract wave in favourable conditions. It may provide an alternative to Lords Seat when the wind is shifting in the northwesterly quarter. The ridge may be soared from Lord’s Seat to Lose Hill, although the easily soarable area close to take-off can be very small. The rigging area and take-off is north of the summit path, same 50 metres beyond the summit.

Top landing should not be made within 20m of the trig point. It can be difficult for hang gliders, and should be made behind the L-shaped wall. Do not go behind the second wall. If new to the site hang gliders should make dummy approaches first. Top landing for paragliders does not present a problem in light winds but is not safe in stronger conditions. The bottom landing in Edale Valley is a good clear field suitable for both paragliders and hang gliders. The final approach is over trees, a river, cables and buildings so if there is any doubt about reaching this landing field an early decision needs to be made to use the field below Peter Barn with the wiggle in the track. This field contains power lines. Note that the wind in the valley may be more westerly than on the ridge. Paragliders usually bottom-land in the upper section of the field immediately west of the road passing over the ridge through a cutting (Mam Nick): Beware of venturi in this area in stronger conditions!


This can be a very busy site in the air. There have been a number of collisions and/or near-misses at this site in recent years, any one of which could easily have resulted in fatalities. In light conditions, the easily soarable area of the bowl is too small for many pilots to soar at once. If you are flying and feel it is too busy to be safe, please go and land at Mam Nick. It is only a short walk back up. If you are waiting on takeoff and it is clearly congested, please do not add to the congestion until separation improves.

It’s not much fun scratching in busy conditions. Please make a careful consideration of traffic levels before launching. It could be that the pilot who finally tips capacity over the edge is YOU. It could be that the pilot who dies is YOU. Please everybody take care, keep a good lookout, refrain from launching into crowded conditions, and maintain good airmanship and lookout even when conditions are less crowded.

There is a need to beware of members of the public in the launch area. Not suitable for novice pilots in stronger conditions, especially paragliders who would encounter severe rotor if blown back behind the hill. Stay well away from the Mam Nick venturi in stronger conditions.


Experienced hang glider pilots only for top landing, not suitable for low airtime paragliders in stronger conditions.

Special Rules

Avoid walking directly up the hill from the path below and causing damage to the ditch (an archaeological feature).

Site Officer

Stuart Harvey

Mam northwest


Cars to be parked below in Mam Nick pay and display ONLY. You may stop briefly to offload gliders at Mam Nick. For the bottom landing park carefully on the road.


West from Castleton on A625, turn left up Winnats Pass, right at top of pass, then left to Chapel-en-le Frith. The car park is 500 yards further on the right. Ascend Mam Tor by the stepped path. For the bottom landing take the Edale road over Mam Nick, the field is half a mile past the turn for Edale village, just before some houses on the right.

Photos and Videos from the site

Mam NW and Lords 2

Site Records


Open Distance
Distance :	114.1km
Date :	07/09/2014
Pilot :	Gordon Bishop
Notes :
Tracklog :	 xcleague link

Hang Gliding
No hang-gliding records are currently known for this site