Club Repack 2021 Postponed – Advanced Notice
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions it is foreseeable that the annual club emergency parachute (reserve) repacking event will not go ahead, this usually takes place early in the year.
It is advised by the BHPA that your parachute is inspected and repacked at least as often as every 6 months.
We understand the importance of the regular club repacks in bringing people together to discuss emergency parachute safety, check equipment over, practise techniques, and make sure we are all as confident we can be in these systems.
In the current absence of plans for the event early in the 2021, it is recommended in advance by the DSC Committee that you either:
- Repack your reserve independently following the manufacturer’s instructions for your parachute.
- Pay for a commercial, BHPA certified repacking service
Bear in mind that the lead times for such professional services can be in the order of weeks, and with increased demand, these times are likely to increase.
- Peak Airsports (Mark Bosher),
- Ginger Nomad (Guy Richardson),
- Aerofix,
- Derbyshire Flying Centre (Steve Hudson),
(Some of these individuals are linked with commercial operations.)
As usual, get in touch with anyone on committee for advice on how to proceed or a chat. 🙂
Kind Regards,
DSC Committee