DSC Forum update

We’re planning to update the forum on the website. It’ll use a plug in which works better with the main website technology than the old one. We’re doing this to sort out some technical and security issues which have become a problem (for anyone interested, we chose a WordPress plug-in called ‘wpForo’). I’m also hoping that it’ll provide a slightly better experience for users, but should essentially replicate what we have now. The important thing is that content and members will be migrated across.

The website will be inaccessible for a few minutes whilst this happens. If things don’t work well, we’ll be able to roll back to the old one. For security reasons, the migrations doesn’t move across passwords, so you’ll need to reset your password the first time you log on to the forum, if you use it. There should be a ‘reset password’ link to click on the log on page.

We plan to do this on Thursday morning.

Test migrations seem to have worked fine, but I can pretty much guarantee something will crop up and there will be teething niggles, whether technical, or things we simply weren’t aware of about the current forum and how it fits with the site, so please bear with us to start with…

Drop me a note on webmaster@derbyshiresoaringclub.org.uk if you have any concerns. And once it’s done, it’d be great if you let me know if you spot anything which doesn’t seem right. Thanks!

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