Mick Bostock – funeral arrangements

The following was copied from a facebook posting by Ron Chipman who has been our main contact with the family.

Mick Bostocks funeral is on Friday 5th January at 2pm, Woodlands Crematorium, 1 Brumby Wood Lane, Scunthorpe. DN17 1SP. All are more than welcome. Annette (Micks wife) was only concerned about assesing the actual numbers to cater for. I have told her only about a dozen or so will come back after the funeral to make it easier for her and to allow the family to grieve in private so if you are not asked to stay then do not take it personally. Mick was a friend to everyone – to try and pick his 10 “best” friends is neigh on impossible!

He was a keen biker and wind-surfer so his friends from that side will also have to be taken into account.

On behalf of us all, if I can keep it together, I will be saying a few words during the service.

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