DSC AGM 2019
Notice of 2019 Annual General Meeting

The club’s 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the Derbyshire and Lancashire Gliding Club Camphill clubhouse on Sunday 8th December at 7 pm. All members are welcome to attend, ask questions and vote.
This year we’d like to provide a better social opportunity for the membership to engage with each other and with the committee in order to help set the direction for the coming year. We think that’s best done over a free drink and maybe a light snack! – please register your interest in the comments below to ensure we have enough for everyone. We would really like to hear your thoughts so come and join us!
…a better social opportunity for the membership to engage with each other and with the committee…
Topics for Discussion:
Coaching – Andy Macdonald, new to taking over as senior coach, will be driving coaching within DSC. Whether you’re a current coach, would consider becoming one, or just want to know how coaching can help you, come along to have your questions answered and contribute your thoughts on how you’d like to see coaching developing in the club. Whether you’re a veteran or a newbie – and whatever your perspective – come down and chat. Andy wants to hear from you!
Social – Our new social secretary Jason Smith is new in the seat but is already making things happen. With the AGM being only a week away from the Xmas party come and have a say and give the committee your ideas for the year ahead. At the very least Jason and the committee can answer any questions you may have.
Formally, there are two main items on the agenda for this year’s AGM. The first is that the members of the committee give their reports on the past year, including the financial position of the club. The second is that all the posts on the committee are elected. No other formal items of business are proposed this year. We intend to keep these “order of business” items brief, but give everyone the opportunity to ask questions.
Reports – Chairman, Treasurer, Other.
Election of committee members
Several of the current committee members are standing down this year. Current members of the committee and their responsibilities are listed at http://derbyshiresoaringclub.org.uk/committee/.
In particular, we need someone to take on the role of Chairman. Please contact Lee Pearce (chairman@derbyshiresoaringclub.org.uk) if you’d like to discuss this, or let Jason know to put your name forward for election. At the moment, the committee has received no other nominations, but all nominations are welcome, even for posts where there is an incumbent.
As a member, you can vote at the AGM on each of the items on the agenda. If you can’t attend the meeting and would still like to cast your vote, please get in touch (secretary@derbyshiresoaringclub.org.uk) so arrangements can be made for your vote to be relayed at the meeting.