AGM of DSC – 19 November 22 at 7pm at DLGC
I am writing to you in my capacity as Club Secretary to inform you, as part of the process in the Club Constitution, of the Club’s intention to hold the Annual General Meeting on Saturday 19th November at 7pm at D&L Gliding Club, Camphill Farm, The Cottage, Great Hucklow, Buxton SK17 8RQ.
We hope as many of you as possible are able to attend but we will also arrange for Members to attend electronically in the form of a Zoom Meeting. You will receive an invitation to join the meeting nearer to the time and will need a computer, tablet or smartphone to participate and will also need to download the free Zoom app. It is suggested that you trial a meeting before the AGM to ensure that your camera / microphone is set up correctly.
As is usual the existing committee stands down and a new committee is elected. Existing committee members can stand for re-election, but new members are always welcome to put themselves forward, and some committee positions were unfilled last year.
Please submit any nominations for Committee posts, and any resolution you wish to put forward to be voted on, to me on the address below as soon as possible, and in any case not later than Saturday 29th October 2022.
Should it be necessary to vote on resolutions and/or nominations for Committee positions, members will be able to vote either electronically in the days before the meeting, or in person at the meeting.