Coronavirus (COVID-19) update
Good evening all DSC members.
As your chairman and after much debate with the committee it gives me much regret to announce that we are strongly advising you as pilots not to fly DSC sites! With the current climate and health risks although our sport is very much needed for our own personal satisfaction, we feel that we would be adding to the burden of the emergency services and hospitals.
Although BHPA announced that they were not I feel that we should take the lead and ask that you all refrain from flying any site for the forthcoming weeks possibly months until this situation changes.
We ask you to respect the club’s decision but we as a 20 strong committee out of 560+ members ask you above all else respect the governments advice and direction.
I’d also like to stress the importance of maintaining the public perception of DSC and flyers in general as sensible and complying with government guidelines. Continuing to fly would reflect badly on the club. An accident would understandably create a media backlash against the club and the sport.
National Trust – Latest statement on coronavirus