What could possibly go wrong?
Make our flying as safe as possible
Sunday 24 February 2019 between 7pm and 9pm
Derbyshire and Lancashire Gliding Club, Abney
Fly too slowly or try to turn more quicker than is possible and we might find ourselves in a stall or spin. If conditions are too lively or there are too many pilots around, we risk suffering a collapse, cravat, cascade or collision. All of which could lead to the dreaded autorotation …
Theo Warden (current British and European Paragliding Champion) and John Warden (of Aerofix) will present some videos and lead a discussion about how we can prepare, plan and practice to keep ourselves as safe as we can.
All club members and potential new members are welcome. There is no charge for attendance. The bar at the gliding club will be open beforehand for anyone wanting refreshment before – or during – the evening.
Please register your interest at https://webcollect.org.uk/dsc/event/what-could-possibly-go-wrong
Location map: https://goo.gl/maps/KBqqRmPS4UG2