Nova Testival!

We are please to announce that Active Edge (UK Nova Importers) and NOVA Paragliders are once again hosting a testival in the Peak District 11-12 June 2016 If you were around for the last one in 2014 you’ll know it’s a brilliant chance for you to try many of Nova’s wings. On Saturday 11th Toni Bender will also be repeating his thoroughly entertaining Q&A session at the Gliding Club which covers his life and love of paragliding as well as what Nova is up to. We will meet each day at 0930 at the gliding club (DLGC). If you don’t want to meet at the DLGC then daily updates can be seen from the Active Edge Paragliding FaceBook page letting you know to where we’re going on the day, in case people that want to meet on the hill.There’s camping facilities at the gliding club and food will be served as normal.