
Terrain, thermals &...

Terrain, thermals & turbulence  


Over the past 3-4 weeks of flying, there have been pilots who have experienced significant asymmetric collapses with differing degrees of "departure from normal flight"

Active flying can help prevent a collapse and having the skills gained in SIV can instil the muscle-memory to instinctively react to to one.

Another mitigating factor, perhaps overlooked, is having height above the terrain. To use those SIV skills, or indeed, to successfully deploy your reserve needs time - and altitude gives you that time.

So please do consider your safety margins when scratching close to the geography or contemplating top \ slope landing in turbulent \ thermic conditions.

Fly Safe
Safety Officer

This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Wayne
Posted : 27/06/2021 15:56

Mike Miller

"If it's rough... and you don't expect to be able to climb clear away from terrain... and your active flying is not necessarily "all that"...
Think very hard about whether it's the right time for you to be getting in the air.
This is why out of phase wave at Bradwell, or almost any stable day at Eyam should be ringing alarm bells, for all pilots.
If you expect a workout, and you expect to spend much of your time while getting that workout only just off the deck, you should also understand that it could go very wrong."

Posted : 28/06/2021 10:03

From USHPA, but just as relevant to us...

Welcome to summer! and thermal turbulence

Fly Safe

Posted : 28/06/2021 15:57
Chris Dervin - New Members Officer

Thanks for the reminder Wayne. Totally agree with comments on doing an SIV and muscle memory. I have experienced large asymmetric collapses where the muscle memory reactions gained from SIV have enabled me to keep the glider flying straight. Another tip if you are scratching is to lean away from the terrain using inside brake to keep in close, at least then you have a better chance to turn away if inside collapse occurs. But if you expect turbulence it is better to be clear of the hill. Also consider your approach when landing if you expect it to be turbulent final approach should be as straight as possible, hands up for best airspeed and legs down early.  

Posted : 01/07/2021 17:27

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