Flying SAFELY and CONSIDERATELY is non-negotiable! DSC members, visiting pilots and guests must abide by the FAI Sporting Code on Thermalling Rules and Techniques (section 3 of this document).
If a you witness another pilot breaking these rules or flying in an aggressive or dangerous manner then:
- Try to identify the pilot and if possible speak to them. Be respectful and calm – not always easy! This is about improving awareness and safety, not about blame. The same comment applies if someone highlights something you may have slipped up on.
- If this is not possible or you encounter a bad reaction then contact a member of the committee (ideally the safety officer) and report the incident.
The ethos of the club is to promote safe flying practices. We ALL have an equal responsibility to police our club and sites and to tackle behaviour which is inconsiderate and dangerous.
Please also read the additional information Flying at Our Sites
This topic was modified 4 years ago by Wayne
Posted : 21/07/2021 08:18