UPTON Activated at 2017-05-21 11:15
It seems the ATC are happy to open the Upton airspace. lifting the airspace by 500 ft
I wonder if they really need airspace down to 4000ft?
Ash tried to open the Worksop corridor last week that told him they were using the North runway. Was this the truth? how do we check.
Worksop seems to have gone wrong. Last year was it open at all? This year?
Steve, all valid questions. Sounds like a great job for someone to sink their teeth into!
Worksop was open on the Skeggy day earlier this year. It was opened quite a few times last year. There was a problem with communicating its status to people who'd been briefed but these problems with the texting system have been sorted, thanks Drew. They wouldn't open Worksop again today.