
Kobo XCSoar missing...

Kobo XCSoar missing data?  

Club Member


Anyone seen 'missing' information from the front screen on closing the app - I always get to see the take-off time,  but sometimes the landing / flight duration are just displayed as --:--.  Running the latest versions but I'm pretty sure it's done it since the very beginning.

Photo attached to try an explain better?

I've tried to fathom it out, trying different things, leaving the thing switched on for a good while on landing etc. but can't work out why some days it gets all the data logged but some it doesn't - even during a day of multiple flights (turning off between them) it misses some out?

FWIW, my other Kobo with the TopHat software on does the same - but sometimes it has the times logged with the XCSoar doesn't and others its missing when the XCSoar does!  No consistency at all.

Just wondering 😉


Posted : 14/08/2015 09:50
Nigel Page

Auto logging on XCSoar is not very good for paragliders because start and stop detection is based on GPS ground speeds more appropriate to sailplanes.  If you launch in a strong wind it may not detect the launch immediately and if you are flying about and then find yourself gale hanging it may detect that as a landing.

Personally I set the auto logger (Config2/System/Setup/Logger/Autologger) to "Start Only".  Once on the hill I keep the Kobo switched on which also keeps the GPS running and when I get home I look at the trace to get the individual flight times.

Posted : 18/08/2015 06:54

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