
Airspace Modernisat...

Airspace Modernisation Strategy?  


The DSC are engaging with this. We are optimists after all.
you can see from this NATS video they do not use low level airspace.?

Some of our pilots think this>

I think increasing air travel will be under pressure from its CO/2, Nitrogen particle and Contrail formation. Will we all be Jetting off with no conscience

Contrails= up to 40 times more pollution from aircraft than the industry says?

Legal Context for Class G Airspace
3.3.1 The Class G environment is the classification of airspace that enables the needs of all
airspace users to be met and thereby permits the CAA to meet its statutory obligations.
The Transport Act 2000 states that “the CAA must exercise its air navigation functions
in the manner it thinks best calculated –
 to secure the most efficient use of airspace consistent with the safe operation of
aircraft and expeditious flow of air traffic;
 to satisfy the requirements of operators and owners of all classes of aircraft;
 to take account of the interests of any persons (other than an operator or owner of
an aircraft) in relation to the use of any particular airspace or the use of airspace
 to take account of any guidance on environmental objectives given to the CAA by
the Secretary of State after the coming into force of this section;
 to facilitate the integrated operation of air traffic services provided by or on behalf
of the armed forces of the Crown and other air traffic services;
 to take account of the interests of national security;
 to take account of any international obligations of the United Kingdom notified to
the CAA by the Secretary of State (whatever the time or purpose of the
If in a particular case there is a conflict in the application of the provisions of subsection
(2) [the provisions above], in relation to that case the CAA must apply them in the
manner it thinks is reasonable having regard to them as a whole.”
3.3.2 It is only by the use of Class G airspace, and the application of other airspace
classifications set out in the ICAO Airspace Classifications Policy Statement15, that the
CAA, on behalf of the UK, can ensure that the requirements of owners and operators of
all classes of aircraft are met. It is this principle that the least restrictive classification of
airspace (Class G) should be the norm, with more restrictive classifications only being
established where necessary, that is one of the key means by which the CAA meets its
statutory obligations for the safe efficient use of airspace permitting the expeditious
flow of all air traffic, whilst ensuring that all airspace users have reasonable and safe
access to the national asset that is airspac

Posted : 01/10/2019 11:42

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