

Half Colin
(@Half Colin)

Hi Guys

I'm in the process of joining the Club and thought I would briefly introduce myself.

I live in Leicester but working away from home a lot has prevented me from flying since I completed my CP Tow over a year ago.  Well, to get back into things I spent last week with FlySpain having a great time and getting my hill conversion out of the way.  I'm ready to get flying this year and will hopefully be able to fly mid week.

Looking forward to meeting you guys.



Posted : 03/03/2016 08:16
Club Member

Hi Colin, and welcome to the DSC!

There's loads for you to learn, but this is where the real fun begins!

In a practical sense it'll get easier for you now you have your rating: Not being tied to a school means you can be more flexible and choose your moments to get some flying in. It's getting to that time of year when people who work regular hours can dash out after work and get a sunset flight, and the days will get much longer as we head into the summer.

You say you can fly in the week.  That helps too. There are a lot of us (and several club coaches) who are regularly out on any flyable weekday, so come up when you're next free and meet some of us. Keep your eyes on the weather and by all means give me a shout before you come, and if I'm not out, I can certainly point you towards people who will be. Look forward to meeting you!


Posted : 04/03/2016 08:03

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