
New CP's  

Club Member

Hello everyone,

Im a new CP(tow) and will be doing my hill conversion with Judy Leden as soon as weather and paper work allow.

Just joined the forum so thought I'd introduce myself. My best mate is in the same boat as me and the pair of us can't wait to get on the hill.

With that in mind any help or advice would be (very) gratefully received. We are both aware that the 'red ribbon stage' is full of hazards, so we don't plan on out flying ourselves but we are long in the tooth enough to take good advice and daft enough to sit on a hill, in cloud waiting for it to clear.

So you now know we are new pilots, keen, willing to Learn and listen, and daft enough to fly in the winter. Looking forward to meeting and flying with you all soon,

Jim (me mates Adam)

Posted : 23/09/2015 07:26
Lee Cooper

Hi Jim/Adam

Always nice to meet new people so welcome to the DSC. Not sure if you know but we're having a DSC BBQ this Saturday which would be a great way to meet fellow pilots and new friends. Drop me a line if you're interested or look at the post in the Notices & Announcements section.

As far as advice, we have a number of club coaches that are happy to work with you post CP (Me included) but as a first port of call you may want to introduce yourself to our new members guru Ash Ghinn who'll be able to offer you the best guidance. Que. Ash.....

In the meantime let me know if you'd like to come to the BBQ  🙂

Posted : 23/09/2015 08:43
Club Member

Hi Jim (and Adam)!
Lee's idea of coming to the barbecue is a good one, but if you can't make it, come out when it's next flyable and meet us all on the hill. Ideally you'll be with Judy getting your hill conversions but I know she has a lot of stuff going on and can't  be out every time it's flyable, and some wind directions require sites that aren't suitable for training. So if you can get out onto the hill you'll meet us all but also immerse yourself in the hill environment and get a better feel for hill conditions - all essential for becoming competent in the discipline!

Feel free to contact me for info on upcoming flyable days or any other query you might have.


Posted : 24/09/2015 08:01
Club Member

Lee and Ash, thanks for the invite, unfortunately my girlfriend will kill me if I go missing again. She's been very good whilst doing my CPC lol.

I'll have a chat with Adam about visiting the hill, how can we find out where and when people will be flying?

Thanks again see you on the hill.

Posted : 24/09/2015 16:27
Club Member

Hi, people will be flying this afternoon at Treak / Mam tor area

Posted : 01/10/2015 07:52

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