
It's all new to me.

It's all new to me.  

Steve Spingys

Hi All,

Quick intro, I had to go at PG with Steve Hudson in 2010 I was living in Northampton at the time so a 2hour+ drive too the Peaks, after a skydiving injury I was grounded for a while and never got back to carry on the CP course.
Last year I moved too Edale and started the course again (would be rude not too), just got my CP last week thanks to Mr Hudson.
Looking forward too meeting you all and hopefully starting to learn what seems like a mountain of knowledge.

Cheers Steve Spingys

Posted : 09/03/2016 16:55
Lee Cooper

Hi Steve,

wow and I thought I was lucky living 15mins from Mam Tor, but Edale! Is there potential for us to land in your garden for a cuppa? 🙂 Anyway, if you're out on the ridge please come and say hi. You may also want to get in touch with Ash Ghinn whose our new members secretary. He'll be able to help you where the good work of Steve has got you already.

See you on the hill soon


Posted : 10/03/2016 03:42

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