
Derbyshire launch s...

Derbyshire launch sites question...  


Hi guys,

I'm Samantha, I've not tried paragliding yet but i think its something i'd like to try.
I'm based near Ripley in Derbyshire and really wanted to just go to a launch site, hang out and just get a good feel of the sport before i commit to any sort of course.

I've watched a whole lot of Youtube videos, registered on and read many many forums about learning, But i still don't really know where to just go and hang out in derbyshire...

Soooo... if its possible could you guys give me the heads up on where to go, when to go and more importantly when to not bother going (assuming bad weather).

btw What is considered to be 'Non-Flyable weather'? Would it just be the obvious things like Rain, Too much cloud cover, Too gusty, Not enough wind etc??

Hope you can help me and if anyone has any recommendations for this weekend that would be fantastic:)

Samantha x

Posted : 05/02/2016 07:31

Hi Samantha

Its good to see you're keen on the idea of flying and also that you have the commonsense to realise that it requires a lot of commitment and is not always doable at convenient times!
We are a very keen and friendly group of flyers and if it is flyable there will always be a large group out on the right hill trying to get into the air and happy to chat about the sport......but you have put your finger on the problem that finding a flyable day and getting to the right place are the key issues.

Unfortunately there have been few decent days over the last few months and this weekend is not looking likely either! To get an idea of when we will be out go to this link... ... and click on Manchester airport. If the wind is forecast to be less than about 10mph in the middle of the day and its not raining there will be someone out.

Most of our sites are around Mam tor and you will see us on the best launch site. Its easy to walk up and join us for a chat. If the wind is Westerly or South Westerly however we will be elsewhere and then you could give me a call on 07789 266447 to find out where is most likely.

Don't let the lack of good weather put you off.. its a trememdous sport and the weather is only going to improve over the next few weeks and months.

Hope to see you on the hill.

Denis Walker

Posted : 05/02/2016 10:25

Hi Samantha,

You can also figure out which site to go to by looking at the prevailing wind direction and cross referencing with our site guid.

Hope that helps 🙂


Posted : 05/02/2016 13:34

brilliant, Thanks guys, a lot of good information there!

It looks like this weekend won't be ideal, tomorrow will be a bit of a washout with a lot of rain expected, and sundays wind looks like its likely to gust upto 38kts.

Buuuuut let me check something... Assuming a SW / SSW wind then it looks like Curbar, Stanage and Eyam would be ideal launch sites.... Am i correct in my thinking?

I'll keep my fingers crossed for some blue skies this weekend but I'm not sure it will work lol

Thanks Samantha x

Posted : 05/02/2016 14:39
Club Member

Hi Samantha.
You've been given good advice here, and you're on the right track with the south-westerly sites you mention. There are hundreds of us on here, all desperately keen to fly, all feeling withdrawal symptoms and all waiting for this pesky wind to drop! Denis's advice about the kind of conditions needed is spot on, and his suggestion that you phone him on the day is your best option for finding us on the next flyable day.

Posted : 05/02/2016 19:22

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